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Higher Order Capital

We are a private equity firm with a management consulting arm that drives outsized returns by strategically embedding AI.

Higher Order Capital white logo
Higher Order Capital
a founder-first venture equity fund taking majority stakes in AI companies that have the potential to fuel a super evolution

Why we exist

Higher Order Capital aims to democratize access to AI, propel innovation, and provide an investing vehicle that offers less binary outcomes while embracing the evolving human-machine partnership.

We accomplish our goal through a unique investing model that blends the downside protections of private equity with the upside potential of venture capital. We leverage and implement carefully curated AI Playbooks to automate low-margin, repetitive tasks and train management teams to continuously find new efficiencies. Higher Order Capital empowers growth-oriented companies to strategically adopt AI in order to improve their performance without disrupting core business drivers. The result is high returns, sustainable growth, reduced risk, and a world empowered by AI.
Read About Our Investment Strategy

We are currently experiencing the once-in-a-lifetime convergence of 3 great forces


The inception of an AI and technology revolution

The AI market is expected to reach a market size of USD $1.8 trillion and shift almost $5 trillion in productivity by 2030, yet businesses are struggling to truly adopt AI due to complexity and inefficiency.

Graphic depicting industrial revolutions over time


The deterioration of VC as an asset class

We are determined to start a new wave of investment behavior, starting with incentive strategies that offer protection, shared upside, and shared risk to all parties.

graph depicting venture capital investments


A great depression in the value of SaaS companies

Due to the significant decline in SaaS multiples startups have been left in precarious positions. This presents a unique opportunity to acquire strong technologies and talent at low costs and put them on a more sustainable trajectory.

Read About Our Approach


A great depression in the value of innovation

Due to the significant decline in VC growth funding, startups have been left in precarious positions. This presents a unique opportunity to acquire strong technologies and talent at low costs and put them on a more sustainable trajectory.

Our Approach

We are currently experiencing the once-in-a-lifetime convergence of 3 great forces

First great force

The inception of an AI and Technology revolution

Can we get a few sentences here as filler text? This will make it look much more appealing.

second great force

A great depression in the value of innovation

Can we get a few sentences here as filler text? This will make it look much more appealing and allow us to showcase larger images without it looking awkward.

third great force

The deterioration of Venture Capital funding

Can we get a few sentences here as filler text?

First great force

The inception of an AI and Technology revolution

Second great force

A great depression in the value of innovation

Third great force

The deterioration of Venture Capital funding